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New Year Resolutions: Are they really necessary?

Many of us make New Year’s resolutions- for our own growth, for stability, for self love or for something that involves change as the year changes. But, the majority of us also fail to achieve them or to stick to whatever we resolve to do. But, I think, making resolutions is still a good idea, …

Significance of gratefulness

M. K. Gandhi beautifully put the significance of being grateful when he said, “I was complaining about not having good shoes, until I saw a person with no feet.” As the year 2022 has come to an end, we prominently recall, realize and cherish what we have, what we have seen and been through. The …

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Ever thought to yourself “winters make me so moody and gloomy”? Seasons affecting human mood and how they feel is a real thing. It is okay to feel so until it starts bothering and interfering the daily activities. A lot of people complain of feeling “low” during the colder season – commonly referred to as winter blues …

Mental Health and AI

It was the year 2019 when the world halted due to an epidemic outbreak. COVID-19 took everyone by surprise when everyone was forced indoors; restricting people from performing their daily activities, work, education, business, etc. This is exactly when the need to take care of mental health was on rise. Even the most conservative and …

Why India has such a high Suicide rate and what can we do about it?

More than a lakh people commit suicide in India in a year. This is an alarming number and therefore it is extremely important to understand why this is happening. According to the data published by NCRB in 2021, people with poor financial stability, students and small entrepreneurs were most susceptible to dying by suicide specifically …

How to start my journey towards Mindfulness?

Do you feel satisfied with who you are, what you have, your achievements these days?? Knowing what you are and what you want comes with awareness about your own self. What you feel when someone says something to you, how you deal with your problems in life, how you respond to emergency situations, how you …