The PsyK- Life Ⓡ
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Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 Articles

Coping with Loneliness: Strategies for Building Connections and Maintaining Mental Health

Loneliness is a deeply personal and distressing experience characterized by a feeling of disconnection or isolation from others. It goes beyond being alone; it’s the subjective feeling that one’s social needs are not being met. You can be surrounded by people, yet still feel profoundly alone. Loneliness can be transient, stemming from temporary situations, or …

Exploring the College Experience

College. A whirlwind of emotions, a gateway to new knowledge, and a crucible for self-discovery. It’s also a landscape where relationships shift and online connections intertwine with the thrilling chaos of real-life interactions. As you step onto campus, a vibrant tapestry of experiences awaits, woven from your evolving sense of self, the relationships you build, …

Journaling And Its Effect on Self-Love

Throughout life, we have so many responsibilities that often, we tend to neglect ourselves. Self-love is defined as having high regard for your own well-being and happiness.  It is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual goals. Self-love looks different for every individual, discovering what …

Writing a Letter To Your Future Self !

Have you ever thought of writing a letter to your future self ? Does that sound strange to you ? Surprisingly, people do that quite often. Writing a letter to your future self is a fun activity to get into, which lets you notice and perform tasks so much. People have been doing this for …