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Exclusive Dual Exit Course In Child and Adolescent Psychology + School Counselling !

The exclusive Dual Exit nature of this course gives YOU the CHOICE of selecting between the Certificate Course in Child and Adolescent Psychology and a Practioner Course in School Counselling in the same course! Now YOU can CHOOSE if you want to either take the first batch of sessions for Child and Adolescent Psychology and exit the course OR getting the benefits and extensive knowledge and skills you will need to become a qualified School Counsellor.

Journaling And Its Effect on Self-Love

Throughout life, we have so many responsibilities that often, we tend to neglect ourselves. Self-love is defined as having high regard for your own well-being and happiness.  It is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual goals. Self-love looks different for every individual, discovering what …

Nurturing Relationship Through Music: Family And Group Therapy

Humans, being a social creature, have a strong need to belong. They form different relationships to feel loved, associated and content. These relationships are quite complicated and require appropriate management. The individuals within such connections have a strong influence on each other. Relationships are intricate, whether it’s family, friends, romantic partners or one in a …

Writing a Letter To Your Future Self !

Have you ever thought of writing a letter to your future self ? Does that sound strange to you ? Surprisingly, people do that quite often. Writing a letter to your future self is a fun activity to get into, which lets you notice and perform tasks so much. People have been doing this for …