The PsyK- Life Ⓡ
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Showing: 21 - 30 of 35 Articles

Music and how it affects our emotions? 

As long as I remember, music has been an integral part of my life. To describe it in a more relatable way, it’s like my best friend. I don’t exactly remember how me and my best friend started being “best friends” to each other. In the exact same way, I can’t recall any exact moment …

Love Languages

Does love have a language? Did it ever happen that you are trying your best to express your love to your partner or a friend but they do not feel loved or they’re still complaining you don’t do enough? Is there something wrong with you or them? Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with either of …

Is it all in your head?

Did it ever happen to you that you were worried or anxious about something and someone told you ‘oh, there’s nothing to worry about, you’re just over reacting, it’s all in your head’?Is it really all in your head though? Let’s find out.We all sure have heard words like trauma, traumatic. Let’s first know what …

Significance of gratefulness

M. K. Gandhi beautifully put the significance of being grateful when he said, “I was complaining about not having good shoes, until I saw a person with no feet.” As the year 2022 has come to an end, we prominently recall, realize and cherish what we have, what we have seen and been through. The …

How to start my journey towards Mindfulness?

Do you feel satisfied with who you are, what you have, your achievements these days?? Knowing what you are and what you want comes with awareness about your own self. What you feel when someone says something to you, how you deal with your problems in life, how you respond to emergency situations, how you …