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TheraPlay: Interactive Therapy Role Play Training

Unlock your potential as a therapist with TheraPlay—an immersive training experience designed to enhance your therapeutic skills through interactive role play. TheraPlay is an innovative and dynamic approach that simulates real-world client interactions, helping therapists develop empathy, communication, and problem-solving abilities. Whether you’re just starting or looking to refine your techniques, TheraPlay offers a hands-on approach to mastering the art of therapy.

Take the first step towards becoming a confident and skilled therapist—join now!

📝 Making Therapy Notes
🗓 Dates: 13th & 27th September
🕗 Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM

💬 Handling Clients with Anxiety
🗓 Dates: 14th & 21st September
🕗 Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Any one topic: INR 800

Both topics: INR 1500

For TPL members: INR 1000 (for both topics)

🌟 Boost your skills, enhance your practice, and make a real impact. Limited spots are available—sign up today!

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