The PsyK- Life Ⓡ
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Showing: 21 - 28 of 28 Articles

Attachment Styles

How do you define your relationship with your partner? Do you feel safe and trusted or are you anxious most of the times? Your attachment with anyone and mainly your partner is a direct reflection of the relationship you shared with your primary caregivers (namely parents). There are four broad patterns that can be classified …

Understanding Inter-Generational Trauma

Children inherit a lot from their parents and ancestors. This could be wealth, possessions, traits, behaviors, physical features. However, not everything that gets passed on is positive and helpful. Do you know ancestors could pass on trauma as well to the next generations? Even if children are not directly exposed to the traumatic incident, their …

Are you a highly sensitive person?

Were you ever called sensitive by people around you? Do you experience everything intensely than those around you usually do? Do you sometimes wish you do not feel as deeply as you do? Do bright lights and loud noises make you feel uncomfortable? Are you easily moved by the beauty of little things? Maybe you …

Music and how it affects our emotions? 

As long as I remember, music has been an integral part of my life. To describe it in a more relatable way, it’s like my best friend. I don’t exactly remember how me and my best friend started being “best friends” to each other. In the exact same way, I can’t recall any exact moment …

Love Languages

Does love have a language? Did it ever happen that you are trying your best to express your love to your partner or a friend but they do not feel loved or they’re still complaining you don’t do enough? Is there something wrong with you or them? Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with either of …

Is it all in your head?

Did it ever happen to you that you were worried or anxious about something and someone told you ‘oh, there’s nothing to worry about, you’re just over reacting, it’s all in your head’?Is it really all in your head though? Let’s find out.We all sure have heard words like trauma, traumatic. Let’s first know what …

New Year Resolutions: Are they really necessary?

Many of us make New Year’s resolutions- for our own growth, for stability, for self love or for something that involves change as the year changes. But, the majority of us also fail to achieve them or to stick to whatever we resolve to do. But, I think, making resolutions is still a good idea, …