The PsyK- Life Ⓡ
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Showing: 1 - 8 of 8 Articles

Exploring the College Experience

College. A whirlwind of emotions, a gateway to new knowledge, and a crucible for self-discovery. It’s also a landscape where relationships shift and online connections intertwine with the thrilling chaos of real-life interactions. As you step onto campus, a vibrant tapestry of experiences awaits, woven from your evolving sense of self, the relationships you build, …

Nurturing Relationship Through Music: Family And Group Therapy

Humans, being a social creature, have a strong need to belong. They form different relationships to feel loved, associated and content. These relationships are quite complicated and require appropriate management. The individuals within such connections have a strong influence on each other. Relationships are intricate, whether it’s family, friends, romantic partners or one in a …

Writing a Letter To Your Future Self !

Have you ever thought of writing a letter to your future self ? Does that sound strange to you ? Surprisingly, people do that quite often. Writing a letter to your future self is a fun activity to get into, which lets you notice and perform tasks so much. People have been doing this for …